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Emily Francis
Nov 1, 20212 min read
I'm Dreaming Of A....Freaking Day Off...Just Like The Ones I Used To Know
Dashing through the snow (or not, this is North Texas after all...that will come in February after several weeks of 80+ weather) Today...
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Emily Francis
Oct 25, 20214 min read
The Glar(ing) Witch Project
So here's the thing: I LOVE Halloween. I love watching scary movies (through my fingers, because I'm 35 going on 3-5). I love the several...
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Emily Francis
Oct 18, 20214 min read
Ah, Push It - Push It REAL Good
OMG! Don't be a perv! I'm talking about pushing claims through! I know, it seems like I was just talking about claims the other day, but...
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Emily Francis
Oct 11, 20213 min read
In Network. Outta Network. Upside Down
If you're a small(ish) practice, you may have opted to avoid the........"fun" of taking insurance. Sticking to self-pay makes billing a...
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Emily Francis
Oct 4, 20213 min read
Ch-ch-ch-ch-changes (Turn And Face The Strange)
Well hello there! Did you know that people often freak the eff out when things change? Even if the change is a Good Thing, like when...
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Emily Francis
Sep 7, 20212 min read
Panic! At The Paper Shredder
Sooo......If you're like ANY of the therapists, clinicians (and #entrepreneurs) I've worked with in the past, you're probably fantastic...
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